And can not ignore the mouth of the golden retriever

And can not ignore the mouth of the golden retriever. Owners should not allow them to overeat soft foods, as it will cause problems such as dental calculations and bad breath, so owners should pay attention. Owners should also improve their diet, avoid over-feeding their dogs and do not choose poor quality dog ​​foods, which can cause stool to smell, anger, tears, rashes and other signs another state. Dog's lifespan is very short. I believe the most frightening thing about dog owners is that they leave. 

Common people are afraid that dogs will leave suddenly and make them off guard. In fact, the dog will explain the problem before it dies, if the dog makes 6 things, it can take almost time, you have to be prepared! one. Give your baby lots of "treasured" dogs, they will hide toys, ham snacks and even the stones they bring in their "secret base", and they usually will not take it out. If your dog pulls out most of his babies and gives them almost to you, the dog may be running out of time. It only reminds what is happening. I hope you can look after these children! 2. 

Non-stop patrols at home assuming your dog is naturally patrolling the house all day and night, he really wants to eliminate the danger of his homeowner while he is still alive and makes himself overprotective. Some families with two dogs, old dogs will even "accuse" small dogs, after their death, trying hard to protect the owner's home! Sometimes the dog is really sensitive and miserable, and the owner is still thinking before he dies! 3. Action or call while puppies when some dogs are nearing the end of the period, will own all of the puppies' travel or calls. This is even true if you have kept this dog since childhood. It wants to be your little one again and spoil you again before leaving the world. If your old dog naturally possessed a similar performance, then you should pay attention, he may be running out of time! 4. Stay with you for a long time We know that dogs like to hang on to you, but usually, they also own their own space and won't cling to you 24 hours a day. But the dog, who carries little time, does not want to leave the owner for a moment, even when he is quietly at his side. 

Because it wants to stay with you affordable in the last period! 5. Help you shop for long-lost items if your dog randomly wants to help you shop for something, a long-lost button, or a small ball you often play. In fact, this is the last thing a dog can do for you. In the dog's mind, it helps you to be most comfortable. In fact, it is a dog account. He might want to tell you that he can be with you too. You have to take care of yourself! 6. Buying a "safe" place for yourself Before you leave, it is common for the dog to buy a place to hide to prevent their owner from seeing their sadness. If your dog is always looking for a place to hide, such as a helpful room, a corner, or even running away from home, get the final place for yourself. That means it's almost out of time. At this time, the pet owner only Looks at the dog 1 secret secret, the most reasonable one should not bother him, for example, otherwise you will be "discovered", the dog may take time to acquire it again. . How to raise an old dog?
